+34 902 404 072
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Companions Programme
Wednesday April 14
22.00h_ Access to the Cycle Chic Party

Thursday April 15
9.00h-13.00h_ Guided Tour around Lleida

Wednesday April 16
14.30h_ Cycling tour around Horta de Lleida

Infrastructures and legislation

PDFProgramme leaflet
PDFLecturers profiles

Wednesday April 14. Opening events

18h00_Welcome and accreditation  

19h00_Presentation. Lleida’s strengths as a potential cycle tourism destination. By: Àngel Vidal, Director of the Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Lleida. This presentation will be given by Paco Tortosa, PhD in Geography, Pep Ulldemolins, cycle tourism expert and Josep Capellà, president of the company DCB – Tourism and Local Development

  20h00_Meeting of the Plataforma Empresarial de la Bicicleta

This association’s inception has to do with the aim of bringing together a group of companies from different bicycle-related fields in order to boost the use of this means of transport.

  22h00_Cycle Chic Party

Jovial encounter of the above mentioned international movement. Cycle Chic represents the bicycle culture linked to urban cycling and fashion. It began in cities such as Berlin, Copenhagen, Los Angeles and Barcelona, among others. Bar de la Sibil·la (Turó e la Seu Vella)


  Thursday April 15

Simultaneous interpretation in 4 languages: Catalan, Spanish, English and French.

    09h00_Welcome and accreditation 

  09h30_Opening ceremony

Speeches by Mr. Àngel Ros, Mayor of Lleida, Mr. Jaume Gilabert, President of Diputació de Lleida and Manel Nadal, Mobility Secretary, Department de Política Territorial i Obres Públiques of the Generalitat de Catalunya

  Visit around the exhibitors’ stands

  10h30_Bicycle Infrastructure

In the last few years, so-called Eco-neighbourhoods have cropped up all over Europe. These are sustainable and environmentally-responsible urban areas. We will learn about these experiences from a mobility and bicycle use perspective. A new way of doing urban planning. By: Jörg Thiemann-Linden, representative of DIFU (Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik), German federal urbanism agency.

European Eco-neighbourhoods. GWL-terrein’s case (Amsterdam). By: Corine Marseille, from GWL-terrein.


  12h00_Round table- Debate

Experiences in the construction of cycle infrastructures. Morlans tunnels, by his Excellency Odón Elorza, Mayor of Donostia-San Sebastián.

Palamós – Palafrugell Cycle and Walking Route, by Esteve Tomàs, Director of the Programa de Mobilitat i Grans Infraestructures, Department de Política Territorial i Obres Públiques of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

  Århus’ Super Bicycle Route and bicycle-friendly infrastructures in Copenhagen, Denmark. By: Mikael Colville-Andersen, CEO of Copenhagenize Consulting AND Senior consultant for the City of Copenhagen.

  13h30_ Lunch


  Urban Infrastructures

1. Schemes and measures for traffic calming: bike lanes, 30 km/h areas, shared streets, parks, etc. Speaker/chair: Àngel López, Director of the Mobility Department, Barcelona City Council.

2. Signage: light signals, horizontal painting, traffic lights, infrastructures management, crossings, bike stations, street furniture... Speaker/chair: Philippe Goirand, Deputy Mayor of Pistes Cyclables of Toukouse City Council and Secretary of the Transports and Trips of Grand Toulouse (France)

    Interurban infrastructures

1. Soils, road surfaces, cycle routes, natural paths, shared roads, etc. Speaker/chair: Carmen Aycart, Director of Programa Vías Verdes and Javier Martín, engineer from Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles.

2. Tunnels, bridges, underground passage ways... Speaker/chair: Pedro Calvo, President of EMT and councillor in charge of security and services, Madrid City Council.

  A Coffee-break is foreseen

      18h00_Big infrastructure

North Sea Eurovelo, by: Jens Erik Larsen, member of the Eurovelo Council.

Cycle Routes and green lanes in Quebec, by Jean-François Pronovost, Director General of Vélo- Québec.


  19h30_ Red de Ciudades por la Bicicleta General Assembly

This association gathers municipalities, consortiums and communities from all over Spain with the aim of creating synergies for the development of bicycle-friendly policies, especially in urban areas.

Friday April 16


09h00_Greetings from Traffic Director General, Pere Navarro, Director of Servei Català de Trànsit, Josep Pérez Moya and Director of Servicio Vasco de Tráfico, Amparo López.

Chair: Ramón Ledesma, Deputy Director of the DGT section in charge of regulation and resources.

  09h30_Presentations by the Coordinator of the Catalan Parliament Bicycle Support Group, the Deputy Francesc Pané.

  10h00_Bicycle legislation in Europe. By: Christophe Raverdy, President of Fubicy (French federation of bicycle users).

A new perspective on bicycle-friendly legislation: weaknesses, strengths and contradictions.

10h30_The bicycle users and the criminal law, by Agustín Hidalgo, Public Prosecutor. Fiscalia de Sala de Seguretat Vial.


  11h30_Report of the work carried out by the Working Group on Bicycle-friendly Legislation. The aims of this group are to identify today’s bicycle-related legislation (at state, regional and municipal levels) and put forward amendments and improvements to it resulting in a more suitable and easy to implement legal framework.

Speaker: Ferran Domínguez, legal representative of the bicycle support intergroup in the Parliament of Catalonia.

  12h00_Round table Municipal Ordinance/Regulation on Sustainable Mobility. By: Sara Mestres, Councillor in charge of Public Safety, Lleida City Council, Adela Martínez-Cachá, Deputy Mayor for Environment and Urban Quality, Murcia City Council Paloma Cano, CDeputy MAyor for Public Works, Public Services, MAintenance and Transport Alcobendas City Council and Anna Ferrer, Director of the Naational Observatory of Road Safety (DGT). Modera Esther Anaya, consultora d'Assessoria d'Infraestrutures i Mobilitat (AIM s.l.).

  13h00_General Debate. Resolution schemes. Chair: J. Antoni Baron, President of the Environment section of the Diputació de Barcelona.

Closing of the Lleida 2010 Bicycle Congress.

 After the closing event, there will be a cycling tour around Horta de Lleida (it includes several stops, local food tasting and a guided tour).

21h00_ Party at La Llotja. Pixie Dixie Concert and ‘t Brabants Fietsharmonisch Orkest

Saturday April

10h30_Cycle Tour. It includes a musical show by the cycle orchestra ’t Brabants Fietsharmonisch Orkest.
Departure point: La Llotja

  T.B.C – To be confirmed


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